Monday, 19 December 2016

Reasons Why Girls And Boys Can’t Be Best Friends

Girl and boy do everything together, girl and boy are best friends, girl and boy act like they could be dating—but they’re not. Everything on the surface adds up to a perfect friendship: a balanced dynamic, always fresh with two unique sides and thought processes.

Girls and boys can be friends, but they cannot be best friends. Here’s why:

You never really know what they’re feeling

Is he secretly in love with you, despite denying the possibility? Are you secretly in love with him, even though you think you only see him as more of a sibling? Should you be secretly in love with him? Would it make everything fall into place—or would it destroy everything?

You find yourself getting jealous

If your friend starts dating someone or spends more time with a new potential significant other, you might feel as though things are falling apart.

Sometimes you end up being let down

You hold your friend to a higher standard because the relationship is—on some levels—more intimate, even though it is just a friendship.

Sometimes in close friendships, caring gets confused for feelings

When you are best friends with someone of the opposite gender (assuming you are heterosexual), any action you take to show your friend how much you care can be passed off as a secret sign of showing affection on a deeper level.

Your relationship is held to a different standard than other friendships

Because of that unusual dynamic between the two of you, you expect certain things to happen and/or not happen. When these expectations aren’t met, they hurt worse than any of your other friendships.

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Trust That Will Make Any Relationship Survive

"To trust someone, without having trust issues, is to trust ourselves enough to reveal our authentic selves fully."

We all have trust issues, and if you say you don’t then I don’t trust you! (Just joking.) So, here are some tips that will help you trust more easily and openly in your life:

Define What Trust Means
For you and your partner. Hello, we ain’t mind readers, and if you believe you are, then why are you having trust issues? You’d already know what your partner is thinking.

Trust Yourself 
I know it’s already been said, but this is truly the starting point of resolving trust issues.

Take A Look In The Mirror

I hate to say it, but often, trust issues arise because what you see in someone else is an issue directly reflecting something you don’t want to see in yourself.
Look at yourself, and ask, “What’s really going on with my trust issues?” The honest answer may shock you, but it could also stop you from being a crazy maker.

Have An Open Relationship

Did I just advocate having an open relationship? YES!
As in an “open, transparent, let’s communicate, and quit hiding that we each have trust issues, admit our stuff” relationship.
No, this doesn’t mean you take on different lovers (although if that makes the trust issues scamper away, more power to you). But what I’m really advocating for is being open and vulnerable so that trust issues become dead non-issues, rather than a dead relationship!

Give Trust To Get Trust

If you put trust in, you’ll get some back. One of the hardest parts about trust, and resolving trust issues, is giving trust freely. However, when it’s a gift that keeps on giving, then it’s easy to see trust issues retreat.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Boys Should know About Girls

Girls Says : 

"Relationships are about growing together, getting stronger together, working better together, and making tweaks on both sides."

  • We want you to stand up for us.

If someone is questioning choices we’ve made or actions we’ve taken, stand up for us. If someone is putting us down, stand up for us. If someone is minimizing our accomplishments, stand up for us. If someone calls us crazy…first agree with them, then stand up for us.

  • We want you to make us laugh.

This is probably the sweet spot for every woman. We want you to be able to make us laugh—when we’re happy, it makes us happier; when we’re sad, it makes us happy; and when we’re mad…

  • We want little surprises 

we do like flowers and jewelry, and we’ll gladly accept both…and totally love you for it. But we don’t expect you to go out and spend an arm and a leg every month to keep us happy. 

  •  We want to be able to talk to you.

About everything and about nothing. Be open to talking about the relationship. Always. If there’s something we’re unhappy with, be open to communicating about it. Don’t get defensive. Don’t shut us out. That won’t solve anything. 

  • We want you to text us.

Doesn’t matter what you text us—just text us. Tell us good morning—we’ll be thrilled you’re thinking of us. Tell us you can’t wait to see us—it’ll make our day. 

  • We want you to care about us.

Ask us how our day was. Because we need to feel like you’re still interested in what goes on in our lives. And if we’ve had a bad day, whether it was at work or at home with the kids, listen to us.

  • We want to feel appreciated.

For who we are, for what we do, and for what we’re striving to become. If we make dinner, say thanks or let us know it was good…and if it wasn’t good, compliment the way the water tasted.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Excited Facts of Switzerland

Facts :


  • In Switzerland, some people still regularly eat dog and cat meat. It's legal in the country.
  • Switzerland only gave women the right to vote in 1971.
  • The average adult in Switzerland has a net worth of US$513,000.
  • Switzerland has the second highest life expectancy in the world with 83.4 years. Because guinea pigs are prone to loneliness, it's illegal in Switzerland to own just one.
  • The Swiss own more guns per head than the Iraqis.
  • The Longest Tunnel in the World is 57 km long and goes from Switzerland to Italy underneath Alps. It took 17 Years to Build.
  • Switzerland sent 31 soldiers to Afghanistan in 2003, its first military deployment since 1815.
  • Declaring cats is legal in most U.S. states but banned in at least 22 countries including Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
  • In 2015, Apple Inc. was worth more than Switzerland, Sweden or Nigeria.